Monday 15 January 2018

Blog Introduction

Predicting the future is risky, but here's what I expect this blog to be about:

Journaling one RPG player's process of being converted from 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons into Old-School Renaissance games, which is ongoing. There will be accounts of game experiences - perhaps these will be useful to the acolytes who follow this path after me, or interesting to the OSR sages who have come before? Being a hobbyist game designer and compulsive homebrewer, I will definitely also include homebrewed content, houserules, and hacks. After all, the great thing about this hobby is making it your own.

I would not have been moved to create a blog (and would likely have persisted slinging homebrew on comfortably secluded corners of the internet) without some excellently thought-provoking reads on RPG blogs, some of which have been ongoing for more than a decade. These include The Alexandrian, Playing D&D With Pornstars, and probably others I'm forgetting at the moment.

- munc

P.S. Reading Blogspot on a mobile browser is absolute torment, I know. I'm sorry for all who have to experience it, as I have.

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